Case Results

  • Charges Dropped Grand Larceny and Burglary in 3rd Degree
    Client was alleged to have stolen fine works of art, including a Picasso print. Client was facing multiple felonies with a potential jail sentence of up to 7 years. Ken was able to swoop in, save the day and obtain a result where all criminal charges were dropped and not a single day of jail time was served.
  • Charges Dropped Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance
    Client was caught, during a completely unlawful search, with a car full of prescription drugs and 8 pounds of marijuana. Ken negotiated a disposition that resulted in all criminal charges being dropped, no jail and no probation.
  • Charges Dropped Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance
    Client was pulled over illegally searched and arrested for possessing drugs he was prescribed. Ken was able to get the criminal charges completely dismissed then turned around and sued the county for false arrest and malicious prosecution and obtained confidential money settlement for his client.
  • Charges Dropped Grand Larceny in the 3rd Degree

    Client was accused of being part of a crew that was robbing a string of Victoria’s Secret Stores. Client was indicted and facing up to 7 years in jail if convicted. Client was innocent and had been innocently hired to drive this crew and had no knowledge of their criminal actions. After a protracted battle with the DA’s office, all criminal charges against the client were dropped and no jail time was served. Client was the only one of his co-defendants to avoid a conviction, this was due in large part to the work of Ken and his team.

  • Case Dismissed Criminal Possession of a Firearm

    Client was facing up to 4 years in jail. The previous attorney took a year to negotiate a plea deal that would have resulted in a 2 year jail sentence. Ken was retained in the 11th hour and over the course of a couple of months, turned the case around to the point where the DA granted a full dismissal.

  • Case Dismissed Assault 3rd Degree

    Ken represented an individual accused of assaulting someone in a board room meeting gone awry. Client was facing up to a year in jail. Ken was able to obtain a full dismissal of all criminal charges and no jail time.

  • Not Guilty Driving While Intoxicated

    Ken and Co-Counsel took to trial, a drunk driving case where the defendant was innocently sleeping in his legally parked car. The client was unjustly charged and then Ken and his co-counsel obtained a full acquittal of the charges at trial.

  • Not Guilty Grand Larceny in the 3rd/4th Degree

    Represented an individual accused of robbing lockers in a gym. Ken was able to obtain a dismissal of all criminal charges and no jail time. Client faced up to seven years in jail if convicted, but thanks to Ken’s machinations, the client walked away from this unfortunate incident with no conviction or jail time.

  • Not Guilty Domestic Violence

    During a contentious divorce, the wife made false allegations against the husband (the client) in order to get the upper hand in Court. This resulted in the client’s arrest and a criminal case where the client was charged with a half dozen misdemeanor domestic violence crimes. Negotiations with the DA’s office broke down and a deal could not be reached. Ken and his co-counsel took the case to trial and obtained an acquittal on all criminal charges.

  • Not Guilty Making a Terroristic Threat
    Represented an individual who was alleged to have made terroristic threats against a hospital, which he did not do, and was facing up to seven years jail time. Ken was able to prove his client was innocent to the DA’s office, which resulted in a full dismissal of all charges and no jail time.
  • Case Dismissed Robbery 2nd Degree

    Ken represented a woman charged with two counts of Robbery in the Second Degree(Class C violent felony), who faced up to 15 years in prison if convicted. The client was accused of assaulting a man in a nightclub and stealing his credit cards. Ken was hired after her first attorney had hit a wall with the DA’s office and could not get them to drop the charges. After Ken took over case, he moved quickly and was able to obtain a dismissal of all criminal charges for his client and no jail time.

  • Case Dismissed Criminal Possession of a Weapon 2nd / Weapon 3rd degree

    In addition to several other charges, facing a potential sentence of 15 years and after a long 12 month arduous fight with the DA’s office, Ken was able to obtain a full dismissal of all charges for his client.

  • Case Dismissed Sexual Assault

    Client was innocent, yet found himself falsely accused extremely disturbing allegations of rape. The client was facing 15 years in jail, but Ken was able to prove the client’s innocence during the pre-trial phase, which resulted in a full dismissal of all charges against the client.

  • Case Dismissed Criminal Possession of a Weapon 2nd / Weapon 3rd degree

    In addition to several other charges, facing a potential sentence of 15 years and after a long 12 month arduous fight with the DA’s office, Ken was able to obtain a full dismissal of all charges for his client.

  • No Jail Time Grand Larceny 2nd Degree

    Ken represented a former attorney accused of stealing close to a quarter of a million dollars from his clients and was facing up to 15 years jail time. Ken negotiated a plea deal, which included a dismissal of all felony charges and resulted in no jail time.